Potomac, Maryland
Avenel Easement:
This easement was negotiated when the TPC Potomac Golf Club at Avenel came under agreement with WSCC and Avenel Horse Farm. An easement and trails were created and should be maintained by TPC Avenel Golf Club. Please see images of the original legal documentation relating to the easement and a map.
Documentation of language page 1, page 2, and page 3
Map 1
Map 2: Full Map
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Rales/Glenstone Museum Easement: TBD
This is an exisiting PBHTA easement that cuts through the Rales property. It is located on Plat # in the planning department. add link. PBHTA met with Mitchell and Emily Rale’s property manager, and agreed that the PBHTA easement can be moved to follow the other side of the stream. This easement is now part of the museum experience as it follows the path along the lower end of the property going by the Goldsworthy and Cardiff & Miller artworks.
Darnestown, Maryland
Subdivision Equestrian Easement: Equestrian Easement at back of the properties to allow access to Seneca Creek State Park
LOT 16: 15629 Haddonfield Way, Darnestown MD 20878
13415 Darnestown Rd, Darnestown, MD 20878
13405 Pulver Pl, Darnestown, MD 2878

Gaithersburg, Maryland
Bridle Trail Easement to allow access to Great Seneca Stream Valley Park
9420 Brink Road, Gaithersburg, MD