Jan 25 6:30 PM- Join us for our Annual Horse Themed Winter Movie Night!

Day after Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

Come join us for a day after Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, Nov 29th 11 AM.

Callithea Autumn Trail Ride, Hike and Picnic- Oct 20

Trail work day coming up Sept 29th from 10 am- 12 pm.

Join us in our mission to steward trails and open space for the benefit of equestrians, hikers, and other trail users. See details below.

Cheer On Our Local Polo Teams!

August 23, 2024 Gates open at 6 PM Chukkers start at 7 PM.

Savor the Sunflowers! July 20, 2024 5 PM.

Join PBHTA at Minnie’s Island June 22nd at 11 AM.

Join PBHTA at the Potomac Hunt Races!

Volunteer for Earth Day with PBHTA! April 20th 10am-12 noon Seneca Creek State Park

Please join us for the Annual Meeting of Potomac Bridle and Hiking Trail Association.

Saturday March 23rd at 5:30 PM.

Event will be at the fabulous St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Barnesville.  (a beautiful location)

Please RSVP to staciebenes588@gmail. com if you haven’t yet so we can be sure to purchase enough food.  We will again provide the main and non-alcoholic drinks.

We will be collecting membership dues at this meeting for your convenience. Hope to see you there!

Please join us for a “Chase Jack Frost Away” Winter Equestrian Mixer at Windridge Vineyards Friday FEBRUARY 23  6PM- 8:30 PM.  

All are welcome. Please RSVP so we reserve enough space at katmagurn@aol.com

There will be delicious wines, food platters and a food truck, and live music.

Movie Night Jan 27 7 PM in Barnesville

Day After Thanksgiving Hike and Ride

Nov. 24, 2023 11:30 AM
Potomac Horse Center, Potomac


Oct 21 3PM-7PM

White’s Ferry Autumn Hike Ride and Lunch

Enjoy Friday Night Polo in Poolesville on Aug 11 with PBHTA

Informal Equestrian (and hiker) Get-Together July 9th 11 AM at Landmade

Have Fun at Potomac Hunt Races with PBHTA

Sunday May 21 at 12 NOON

Please join us to cut the ribbon on the new Naomi Manders Memorial Bench at the Potomac Pony Club Field! April 23, 2023 noon to walk, 1 PM for the dedication.

We hope it is enjoyed by all. Perhaps after a ride on the EPIC Trails, or to comfortably watch a polocrosse match, or to participate in Pony Club activities? It is conveniently placed in the shade of a beautiful tree looking out on the field.

Can’t wait to see you at our Annual Dinner! March 4th, 2023 at 5PM.

PBHTA Equine Acupressure and Massage clinic on Feb 25th 5:30 PM at Potomac Horse Center

Get ready for Winter Fun! Join us for Movie Night: January 21st 6PM at Potomac Horse Center Party Room

Come enjoy the outdoors the day after Thanksgiving for our annual Turkey Trot! Nov. 25th at 11 AM.

Come to Potomac Day Parade- with Horses and Carriage!

Fall Ride and Hike at Callithea Farm- Join Us!

Free for all PBHTA Members, and Callithea Boarders/Riders/ and Staff. For all non-callithea affiliated or non-PBHTA members, a $15 donation would be appreciated. This event is BYOB.

Enjoy a Hike and Snack: Great Falls on the Potomac


Equestrian Bridges at Little Bennett Regional Park Safer with grant from MHIB

Equestrian trails in Little Bennett Park are now safer thanks to a Maryland Horse Industry Board grant provided to Trail Riders of Today (TROT).  21 equestrians volunteered their time on two sunny mornings during a beautiful June weekend to partner with Montgomery County Parks to participate in a pilot program to make bridges less slippery in parks for equestrians, mountain bikers, and hikers alike.  Two bridges were painted with a marine quality paint called Deck Correct that contains Polycarbonate Everbeads to create a skid-resistant surface.  This paint protects the wood from splintering, and limits the growth of mildew, algae, and mold.  A third bridge, on another weekend, had sand added to the paint to increase the tooth of the surface for comparison between the two methods.

TROT gathered all the materials including painting supplies, large tarps to protect the streambed, and tools for the workers (blowers, wheelbarrows, gloves, etc.).  The process was fairly simple. First, we scaped and removed the existing mold, mildew and algae that created the slippery surface on the bridges, impacting park users during and after rain fall.  We then hung large tarps under the bridge to protect the stream bed.  We let the bridges dry, and then applied one coat to half of the bridge to allow users of the park to still be able to pass.   We waited for that layer to fully dry, and then applied a second coat.  We marked the bridges as having wet paint applied, and applied caution tape and signage to alert trail users. We repeated the painting process to the other half of the bridge the next day.  It was a productive event.

Little Bennett and Montgomery Parks will continue the program.  We thank Potomac Bridle Hiking Trail Association (PBHTA) for providing lunch and additional volunteers. Please reach out to boardmember01@trot-md.org if you would like to volunteer during our next trail work opportunity.

Annual Callithea Farm Ride, Hike and Potluck October 5th, at 3:30 PM

Get ready to enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather and join the Annual Callithea Farm Ride, Hike and Potluck October 5th, at 3:30 PM.

There will be a medium/fast ride and a walk only ride, as well as a guided hike for friends and family. If you have questions: Ride leaders: Jeff Colaianni and Bobbi Frost Hike Leader: Christina Micek
Those without horses can hike (very easy walk actually) some of the beautiful trails of Montgomery County at Blockhouse Point which overlooks the Potomac River and the C and O canal.

This is a cost free, open event, so bring your friends, and enjoy the fall weather.
*Bring a chair or blanket, and a dish and drink to share. We will have the grill going if you would like to bring something to grill.
If you need some guidance: A-L- Side. appetizers, or desserts M-Z- Main dishes or Salads

3:30PM Arrive and park
4:00 PM Leave for Hike/Ride
5:00 PM Potluck (Bring your horse to meet your friends and family at the meet and greet treat pasture)
6:00 PM Music, sunset and bonfire

We hope you can make it and enjoy a relaxing evening with friends and family among the Callithea Cowgirls (and or token cowboys)!
*Raindate Oct 6th

RESCHEDULED to Friday SEPT 7th 5PM due to rain Informal Hike at Old Angler’s Inn

Come join us for a beautiful evening hike across from Old Angler’s Inn at Great Falls Park with a stop at their outdoor beer garden afterwards to enjoy music, food, drinks, and company. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP.

Informal Hike this Sunday: Schaeffer Farm Apr. 28 12:30PM

Join us for the April informal hike at Schaeffer Farm, 12:30 PM April 28th. Meet at Schaeffer Farms Trailhead- Kingsview Village Ave, Germantown, MD 20874 right next to Warrior Canine Connection (used to be Buddy’s farm where he held team penning). Christina will lead the hike on this natural surface trail that welcomes mountain bikers, hikers, and equestrian trail riding. Bring a sandwich, and take in the beautiful views after the hike! RSVP or questions to Christina – cmicek@christinamicek.com, 617-435-1187 (text or phone)

Kingsbury Orchard hike Sunday April 14, 1PM

Join us for our annual Kingsbury Orchard hike Sunday April 14, 1PM. Julie Kingsbury has kindly invited us to gather at beautiful Kingsbury’s Orchard on Sunday, April 14 at 1 p.m. It’s expected we’ll see many fruit trees in bloom. PBHTA will provide refreshments, and we will take a walk in the orchard. Because of the recent wet weather, this will be a hiker-only event, and we will have to leave the horses and trailers at home.The address of Kingsbury’s Orchard is 19415 Peach Tree Road, Dickerson, Maryland 20842.If you’d like to bring a friend, please do so. Please RSVP to Naomi Manders (naomimanders0@gmail.com) by Thursday, April 11.Look forward to seeing you and enjoying the change in the season!

Informal Hike – Sunday March 31- Clopper Mill Trash Bash

We decided to offer our membership a unique hike this month. Board member Christina invites all to join the Seneca Creek and Izaak Walton organized hike this Sunday March 31ST- 9am to noon. The hike focuses on hiking and bushwacking (it is really an easy walk) to see the wonderful ruins visible from Clopper Road at Waring Station Road, while picking up trash along the way to keep our parks as pristine as possible. This will be a unique opportunity to see the ruins up close which are not usually accessible, to work and meet the Friends of Seneca Creek State Park and Izaak Waltonians, and it will offer a great work day and social experience. The hike includes lunch generously donated by Izaak Walton afterwards. Please wear heavy duty hiking clothes, sturdy shoes, and gardening gloves. Trash bags will be provided.
Meet at Izaak Walton Leagues lake parking area and the hike will walk under Clopper Road to get to the mill ruins. The address is 12087 Clopper Rd. Gaithersburg. If you are coming West on Clopper Road, you will pass the Main gate to Seneca Creek State Park on your left, and after this on the bottom of the hill you will see a driveway on the right that is paved and switches to gravel. This is the entrance to the Izaak Walton parking area which is quite large. There unfortunately is no sign indicating this is the place, but you should see a yellow pole gate there which will be your only indication.
RSVP (so they know you will need lunch) at SCSPNaturalist@gmail.com or 301-924-2127 and for more details, or you can just let Christina know at cell 617-435-1187 (text or voice fine) or at cmicek@christinamicek.com. Hope to see you there!


Movie Night

Come and Join us

     Potomac Bridle and Hiking Trails Association has been the cornerstone of equestrian trails in the Potomac area for the last 50    years. We  maintain trails as public paths for equestrians and hikers. Since the beginning of riding in our area, PBHTA has been an activist for equestrian conservation. We take great pride in our heritage. We strive to continue to keep our trails opened for equestrian and hiking pleasure for many years to come. Join us. We hope that you will enjoy these trails as much as we do.