Volunteer for Earth Day with PBHTA! April 20th 10am-12 noon Seneca Creek State Park

Please join us for the Annual Meeting of Potomac Bridle and Hiking Trail Association.

Saturday March 23rd at 5:30 PM.

Event will be at the fabulous St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Barnesville.  (a beautiful location)

Please RSVP to staciebenes588@gmail. com if you haven’t yet so we can be sure to purchase enough food.  We will again provide the main and non-alcoholic drinks.

We will be collecting membership dues at this meeting for your convenience. Hope to see you there!

Please join us for a “Chase Jack Frost Away” Winter Equestrian Mixer at Windridge Vineyards Friday FEBRUARY 23  6PM- 8:30 PM.  

All are welcome. Please RSVP so we reserve enough space at katmagurn@aol.com

There will be delicious wines, food platters and a food truck, and live music.

Movie Night Jan 27 7 PM in Barnesville

Day After Thanksgiving Hike and Ride

Nov. 24, 2023 11:30 AM
Potomac Horse Center, Potomac


Oct 21 3PM-7PM

White’s Ferry Autumn Hike Ride and Lunch

Enjoy Friday Night Polo in Poolesville on Aug 11 with PBHTA

Informal Equestrian (and hiker) Get-Together July 9th 11 AM at Landmade

Have Fun at Potomac Hunt Races with PBHTA

Sunday May 21 at 12 NOON