Annual Callithea Farm Ride, Hike and Potluck October 5th, at 3:30 PM

Get ready to enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather and join the Annual Callithea Farm Ride, Hike and Potluck October 5th, at 3:30 PM.

There will be a medium/fast ride and a walk only ride, as well as a guided hike for friends and family. If you have questions: Ride leaders: Jeff Colaianni and Bobbi Frost Hike Leader: Christina Micek
Those without horses can hike (very easy walk actually) some of the beautiful trails of Montgomery County at Blockhouse Point which overlooks the Potomac River and the C and O canal.

This is a cost free, open event, so bring your friends, and enjoy the fall weather.
*Bring a chair or blanket, and a dish and drink to share. We will have the grill going if you would like to bring something to grill.
If you need some guidance: A-L- Side. appetizers, or desserts M-Z- Main dishes or Salads

3:30PM Arrive and park
4:00 PM Leave for Hike/Ride
5:00 PM Potluck (Bring your horse to meet your friends and family at the meet and greet treat pasture)
6:00 PM Music, sunset and bonfire

We hope you can make it and enjoy a relaxing evening with friends and family among the Callithea Cowgirls (and or token cowboys)!
*Raindate Oct 6th